Download the Levelling the Playing Field Playbook!
Levelling the Playing Field has published a Playbook to proudly showcase the positive impact of our partners across England and Wales.

Dylan set to complete remarkable journey with LtPF's custody partners
Seventeen-year-old Dylan is set to complete a remarkable journey from serving a sentence inside HMP & YOI Parc to returning through the gates as a trainee rugby coach.

Ballers Academy offers youngsters a chance to achieve - on and off the pitch
“For me, there’s no such thing as ‘hard to reach’ young people. That just means you’re not working hard enough to engage them.” - Richard White, Community Director at Ballers Academy...

Gotta have faith? Why religion is central to the impact of our specialist partners
We speak to two more specialist partners in the Levelling the Playing Field network for insight into how faith contributes to the positive impact they have on ethnically diverse children.

NPV illustrates sport's positive impact on children - and their parents!
The amazing work of Levelling the Playing Field’s specialist partners impacts first and foremost on young people – but it has a knock-on effect on the lives of their parents too.

Young leader Reon: 'Playing football at NPV kept me off the road'
Reon Abrams from Wolverhampton says the supportive environment of his football club prevented him from becoming involved in “the drama and nonsense on the road” as he was growing up....

Young people's insights dazzle the Include Summit crowd
Young people from across the Levelling the Playing Field network gave delegates at the Include Summit a powerful and moving insight into how sport and physical activity has enriched their lives.

Gotta have faith? The role of religion in community sport's positive impact
Specialist partners in the Levelling the Playing Field network have explained why faith is a major factor in being able to achieve their positive impact on ethnically diverse children.

Dallaglio RugbyWorks and HMP & YOI Parc join Levelling the Playing Field
Dallaglio RugbyWorks, who use rugby to engage young people inside HMP & YOI Parc in Bridgend, have joined Levelling the Playing Field as a specialist partner.

London award winner Josie sees basketball club as 'second family'
Josie Furner, Levelling the Playing Field’s 2023 London ‘Young Person of the Year,’ says the team at our specialist partners London Thunder Basketball Club are “like a second family.”
The 15 year old has played basketball at the club in Lewisham, south east London, for almost half her life. The sport and the supportive club environment
Sporting Elite: 'We know we're making a difference'
Sporting Elite are a fine example of how sport can act as a powerful deterrent against ethnically diverse young people becoming involved in crime....

Sports Connect impact reoffending through the power of partnerships
Levelling the Playing Field’s specialist partners Sports Connect use sport in youth custody and post-release to support young people’s successful reintegration into society and prevent reoffending.

Sport "must pick up the slack" while children's mental health services are overwhelmed
Ben Eckett says community sport organisations “must pick up the slack” whilst children’s mental health services suffer from such a chronic lack of capacity.

Tips on staff mental welfare from Palace for Life Foundation
As part of Levelling the Playing Field’s focus on mental health, we asked our specialist partners, Palace for Life Foundation, about their recent
Leeds Rhinos Foundation join Levelling the Playing Field network
Leeds Rhinos Foundation have joined the Levelling the Playing Field network after starting a sport and education programme with children and young people in HMPYOI Wetherby....

Young people's mental health is peak priority at Snow Camp
As part of Levelling the Playing Field’s focus on mental health, we find out how our specialist partners Snow Camp prioritise young people’s positive wellbeing on and off the slopes....

Demand for mental health support 'has never been higher'
Ranjit Singh from Levelling the Playing Field’s specialist partners Wolverhampton Wrestling Club says demand for mental health support from his participants has never been higher.

Mental health vital to Street Soccer London's game plan
Mental health is a golden thread running through every activity for children and young people at our specialist partners Street Soccer London.
Each week, over 150
‘Partnerships should begin with relationships – not contracts’
As part of our focus on partnerships, we caught up with Mark Seymour, manager of our specialist partners The Gap Wales. The charity runs a project called The Sanctuary which welcomes and supports refugees and asylum seekers who arrive in Newport....

Saalik young leader Mufasser - 'Sport is a way to become part of a community'
As part of our partnerships theme in November we speak to Mufasser, a young participant from our specialist partners Saalik Youth Project in Sheffield. He has grown up under the organisation’s protective wing in the ethnically diverse community of Burngreave. Recently, he’s benefited massively from being part of a
Sami shines as Reach Up join NextGen partner project
As part of Levelling the Playing Field’s focus on partnerships in November, we showcase a collaboration in Sheffield involving two of our specialist partners that is developing the next generation of confident and qualified leaders.
NextGen, the youth leadership
NYCA 'focus on solutions' for ethnically diverse girls in Newport
As part of Levelling the Playing Field’s women and girls month in October, we spoke to Reggie Al-Haddi, chairman of our specialist partners Newport Yemeni Community Association who have innovated to engage girls in the ethnically diverse community of Pillgwenlly (known locally as ‘Pill’)....

Sisterhood use LtPF sessions to confront violence against girls
As part of Levelling the Playing Field’s Women and Girls month in October, we visit the Sisterhood project which is run by our specialist partners Reach Up Youth in South
Mentor Reahana 'like a cool big sister' to young people at Fight 4 Change
As part of our mentoring month in September, we spoke to Reahana from our specialist partners Fight 4 Change about her role as a mentor to children at the charity’s base in London.

Snow Camp joins Levelling the Playing Field network
Levelling the Playing Field is delighted to welcome Snow Camp as a new specialist partner on the project.

Mentoring "makes sport sessions 10 times better"
Ant Bayou from our specialist partners Rotherham United Community Sports Trust explains how Levelling the Playing Field's mentoring qualification has improved the breadth and quality of provision they offer young people on their programmes.

Mentoring: 'There are no half measures'
As part of our mentoring theme in September, Levelling the Playing Field spoke to Jeni Bennett, Mentor Project Manager at our specialist partners Sport 4 Life in Birmingham.

Newport Inclusion Cohesion Shield brings young people together
Levelling the Playing Field’s network of partners in Gwent came together to stage the Newport Inclusion Cohesion Shield to support young people from ethnically diverse communities.

Why boxing is the right hook for young people
Pat Benson Boxing Club is the “perfect environment” to engage ethnically diverse young people on the fringes of criminality due to its mixture of mystique, discipline, diversity, nurture and support.

Basketball 'the enabler' in changing young lives in Lewisham
Our specialist partner London Thunder Basketball Club offers a safe ‘playground’ for young people in the ethnically diverse area of Lewisham, south-east London.

Safe places and safe faces: Newport unites to support ethnically diverse children
Levelling the Playing Field has sparked a unique unification of services in Newport which offers life-changing support for children through sport and physical activity.

Coventry Youth Partnership offers city-wide support for young people
TheCoventry Youth Partnership (CYP) is a collective of community and statutory organisations who work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for young people in the city.

M&E: the importance of staff wellbeing
When assessing success, it’s entirely understandable that Levelling the Playing Field specialist partners will focus on their impact on participants. But what about staff?

M&E: Insight from industry expert Matt Stevenson-Dodd
As part of our 'Monitoring and Evaluation' month, we speak to third-sector M&E expert Matt Stevenson-Dodd for some wisdom on measuring and recording impact.

M&E: How LtPF partners are taking a fresh approach
As part of our ‘monitoring and evaluation’ theme in May, we speak to Ben Eckett who is introducing a fascinating new system to measure the impact of his programmes at our specialist partners Gloves Not Gunz and Urban Yogis.

Gen22 gives Sports Key kids chance to shine
Ten participants from our specialist partners Sports Key in Birmingham have been selected for the Commonwealth Games Gen22 programme to gain confidence and boost their employability.

Active Burngreave Training Hub harnesses community strengths
Our strategic partners Yorkshire Sport Foundation have set up the Active Burngreave Training Hub to share local expertise, upskill workforces and empower organisations delivering sport and physical activity in the community.
Four Sheffield-based Levelling the Playing Field specialist partners – ...

Sharks deliver LtPF programme in Secure Estate
Levelling the Playing Field has completed a “hugely positive” initial phase of delivery with children inside HMP Werrington via our specialist partners Sharks Community Trust.

Manpreet living out a Bollywood dream at Birmingham 2022!
Manpreet Kaur Saini from our specialist partners Wolverhampton Wrestling Club has achieved a Bollywood-inspired dream after being selected as a baton bearer at this summer’s Commonwealth Games.

Levelling Up: Football fosters cohesion amidst Wolverhampton's inner-city 'madness'
We sit down with Arnaud and Raya, who deliver Levelling the Playing Field sessions at our specialist partners Palace for Life Foundation, to discuss their impact on ethnically diverse children and their community.

#OpenGoal - How sport turned Kameron's life around
As part of our support for the Sport for Development Coalition’s #OpenGoal campaign – which coincides with International Day of Sport for Development and Peace - we profile the journey of Kameron from our specialist partners InPower Academy.

How TIF has helped Gloves Not Gunz expand support for Croydon's youth
The Alliance of Sport’s successful application for Sport England Tackling Inequalities Funding (TIF) has given more children in Croydon access to physical activity, support, safety and routine - thanks to LtPF specialist partners Gloves Not Gunz.

FAMILIES: How Gloves Not Gunz mix boxing and therapy
Gloves Not Gunz use boxing, jiu-jitsu, fitness and yoga to engage and divert children from crime, anti-social behaviour, exclusion from education and the care system. Bringing parents on board with their processes has a huge influence on the positive impact they make on young people.

Pat Benson Boxing Academy joins the LtPF network
Levelling the Playing Field is delighted to welcome Pat Benson Boxing Academy as a new specialist partner in the West Midlands.
Named after its founder in the early 1960s, Pat Benson Boxing Academy runs a variety of sport and education programmes to build young people’s physical and mental health, confidence, resilience and
FAMILIES: Deep community links make an impact in Maindee
Martine Smith’s job title at Maindee Primary School in Newport may be ‘Equity Lead’ but her influence on children and families in her local community goes way, way deeper than that.
Martine is a highly respected figure amongst the hugely ethnically diverse population surrounding the school (where 46 different languages are spoken
FAMILIES: 'Parent links crucial to setting boundaries'
Everybody knows Safiya Saeed in the Sheffield community of Burngreave. She is deeply embedded and highly respected in the area – and that is key to her impact on children at the organisation she founded, Reach Up Youth....

'TIF has helped deepen our relationships with young people'
Street Soccer London have been able to develop deeper relationships with their participants by being part of the Levelling the Playing Field network and receiving Sport England’s Tackling Inequalities Funding.
That’s the opinion of Street Soccer London coordinator Jack Badu, who together with manager Craig McManus and other staff has
FAMILIES: 'Working with parents is vital for our impact'
Working very closely with families in his community of Burngreave in Sheffield enables Imran Ali to maximise the positive impact he has on children in his care.
Imran manages Ellesmere Youth
How LtPF and TIF expanded support for children in Coventry
Positive Youth Foundation have offered vital post-lockdown support to children in ethnically diverse areas of Coventry thanks to support from Levelling the Playing Field and the Tackling Inequalities Fund.

LtPF and TIF 'massive' for reaching ethnically diverse communities
Rotherham United Community Sports Trust say Levelling the Playing Field and Sport England’s Tackling Inequalities Fund have been “massive” in enabling them to engage with local ethnically diverse communities.

PEER RESEARCH: Children working together to tackle youth violence
As part of Levelling the Playing Field’s ‘peer research’ month, we visit the Peer Action Collective who ask other young people about their experiences of youth violence and use their findings to create change in their local communities.

SAFEGUARDING: 'You can only work at the speed of trust'
Trust is a fundamental factor in effective safeguarding. Having a close relationship with a trusted adult gives children the confidence to share any issues and concerns as well as a solid support mechanism to thrive and succeed.

LtPF joins unique partnership using sport to protect children in Newport
Levelling the Playing Field has linked with a host of partners in Newport to find new ways of supporting children in the ethnically diverse area of Maindee through sport and physical activity.

SAFEGUARDING: 'It's all about confidence'
Tom McIntosh, Operations Director at Levelling the Playing Field’s strategic partners Sport Birmingham, gives his view on the attributes any coach or youth worker must have when it comes to safeguarding.

SAFEGUARDING: 'Close relationships with young people are key'
As part of our focus on safeguarding throughout January, we asked Nikki Miles what the process looks like at our specialist partners Positive Youth Foundation in Coventry.

SAFEGUARDING: 'It has to be more than just policy'
As part of our focus on safeguarding throughout January, we find out how London Sport use the voices and opinions of young people to ensure policy converts into good practice on the front line.

SAFEGUARDING: 'We take the weed out of their mouths, and put a whistle in!'
Read how safeguarding of individuals, families and the community runs through the whole philosophy of Levelling the Playing Field's specialist partners NPV Football Development in Wolverhampton.
Sport for Development: Millwall in the Community
We asked our specialist partners Millwall in the Community how their Levelling the Playing Field football sessions achieve positive outcomes for ethnically diverse children in their South London community.

Sport for Development: Sporting Elite
As part of our Sport for Development theme, we asked specialist partners Sporting Elite how their Levelling the Playing Field football sessions achieve positive outcomes for ethnically diverse children in their community.

Sport for Development: Fight 4 Change
As part of our 'Sport for Development' month, we asked our specialist partners Fight 4 Change how they use boxing and martial arts to give local young people positive experiences and opportunities - both in the ring and in life.

Sport for Development: Palace for Life Foundation
We sit down with Arnaud and Raya, who deliver Levelling the Playing Field sessions at our specialist partners Palace for Life Foundation, to discuss their impact on ethnically diverse children and their community.

Sport for Development: Rotherham United Community Sports Trust
As part of our 'Sport for Development Month', we pick the brains of our specialist partners RUCST on how they use 'the power of the badge' to engage ethnically diverse children and make their community a safer place.

Sport for Development: Street Soccer London
As part of Levelling the Playing Field’s ‘Sport for Development Month’ in December, we hear from our specialist partners Street Soccer London on how they guide young players from the pitch towards progress in many different areas of their lives.

Maindee School unites Newport partners to support ethnically diverse children
Maindee Primary School, situated in a hugely multicultural area of Newport, has connected with a web of local partners to positively impact ethnically diverse children in their care.

Atif 'learned leadership from the best' at EYP
Levelling the Playing Field is delighted to offer CEOs, project leaders and key management staff in our network of specialist delivery partners the opportunity to take part in a bespoke leadership skills programme.

CSHO apprenticeship is helping Geri Leigh achieve her dream
New apprentice Geri Leigh Branigan is proud to be guiding and supporting ethnically diverse children at InPower in Wolverhampton – because she knows herself how vital sport and role models can be.

Sale Sharks join LtPF to support young prison leavers
Sharks Community Trust are the latest partners to join Levelling the Playing Field to engage and support young people in custody and post-release through sport and physical activity.

Tyrone and Tes: Leaders of the pack at Big Brother Burngreave
Big Brother Burngreave, our LtPF specialist partners in Sheffield, have a unique approach to nurturing young leaders. As part of our 'Leadership Month, we met Tyrone and Tes to see how it's changed their lives.

InPower's young leaders inspire the next generation
As part of Levelling the Playing Field’s ‘Leadership Month’ we are privileged to meet Neeco and Gulraj, two outstanding young leaders from our specialist partners InPower in Wolverhampton.

Centre of Change set to boost our impact in South London
Levelling the Playing Field is linking up our local delivery partners in London with Centre of Change Project to provide specialist counselling and mentoring to their young people.
LtPF set to create young leaders in Coventry
Aptitude Youth, our local delivery partners in Coventry, are training up 10 young people as qualified sports leaders using funding from Levelling the Playing Field.

YOUTH VOICE: Emmanuel from Aptitude, Coventry
Emmanuel joined our local delivery partners Aptitude Youth three years ago after arriving in Coventry from Ghana via Italy. He says the staff and his fellow beneficiaries have become “like a second family”.

YOUTH VOICE: Five stars from Young Minds Together
For Ayathola, Sinokuhle, Keren, Chloe and Exaucee, attending Levelling the Playing Field sessions run by Young Minds Together in Rotherham is more than a weekly dance class; it’s a sisterhood that helps them overcome many barriers
GB sprinter Okoro to lead LtPF project in custody
Former Olympic athlete Marilyn Okoro is to lead sport and physical activity sessions with young people in custody as part of a new Levelling the Playing Field partnership.

YOUTH VOICE: Zak Tadesse, Sport 4 Life
Tamsir Gaye is just starting out as a mentor for our delivery partner Positive Youth Foundation in Coventry - but he has already found a creative way to get his message across to young people.

YOUTH VOICE: Karim, Hilmee and Raheed from Pillgwenlly
As part of Levelling the Playing Field’s ‘Youth Voice’ month, we visited Newport Live's Friday night LtPF session in the suburb of Pillgwenlly and asked participants Kareem, Hilmee and Raheed about the project's impact on their lives.

PKC keep South London youngsters onside
The initials in PKC Football Academy stand for ‘Prevent Knife Crime’ - but the aims of our new Levelling the Playing Field delivery partners extend even further beyond that.
YOUTH VOICE: Uzo Anosike, Street Soccer London
As part of Levelling the Playing Field’s ‘Youth Voice’ month, we spoke to Uzo Anosike, a participant at our delivery partners Street Soccer London. The budding young sports journalist told us the impact the organisation has had on his life since he first attended their Levelling the Playing Field session last year.

YOUTH VOICE: Tamsir Gaye, Positive Youth Foundation
Tamsir Gaye is just starting out as a mentor for our delivery partner Positive Youth Foundation in Coventry - but he has already found a creative way to get his message across to young people.

STATE OF PLAY: 'Pandemic gave us time to re-focus'
Sports Key, our local delivery partners in Birmingham, feel they benefited from the ‘thinking time’ given to them by Covid-19 and have re-emerged stronger post-lockdown.

Unity Gym Project: Transforming lives - one rep at a time
Our local delivery partner Unity Gym Project in Sheffield offers so much more than an ordinary city-centre gym. It’s a community where young people can find support, motivation and hope.
STATE OF PLAY: The struggle to support those hit hardest
The pandemic has hit under-served communities particularly hard and our local delivery partners in South Yorkshire have worked tirelessly to support local children who have been severely impacted.

STATE OF PLAY: 'The pandemic has made us stronger'
Our local delivery partners Fight 4 Change have emerged stronger from the pandemic by moulding their programmes to meet the increased needs of young people.

STATE OF PLAY: Frontline workers 'at risk of breakdown'
The pandemic has led to a big rise in vulnerability among young people and support services have had to be nimble and innovative to even come close to meeting these acute needs.

STATE OF PLAY: Covid-19 and young people's mental health
The pandemic has led to a big rise in vulnerability among young people and support services have had to be nimble and innovative to even come close to meeting these acute needs.

Let's rock! Levelling the Playing Field teams up with ClimbUnity
Levelling the Playing Field is to give children inside HMP/YOI Wetherby the opportunity to learn climbing both during their jail terms and as part of their resettlement into the community.

How Tackling Inequalities Fund has given LtPF partners a lifeline
Support from youth services has never been more needed than in the last 18 months, but Covid restrictions and dwindling resources have made it tough to meet demand. Money from Sport England’s Tackling Inequalities Fund (TIF) has therefore been a lifeline for many of Levelling the Playing Field’s local delivery
Community Cohesion Cup brings people and police together in Newport
Levelling the Playing Field partners and Gwent Police have joined forces to stage the Community Cohesion Cup - breaking down barriers and building trust between ethnic communities and local services.

How sport helps The Sanctuary protect new arrivals in Newport
Young refugees and asylum seekers often arrive in Newport having experienced conflict and trauma in their homelands, so when the Sanctuary project engages them in sport and physical activity, it's to achieve two very simple outcomes: to get them “sweaty and smiling”.

Guardian Angel: Palace for Life mentor set to inspire participants
Palace for Life Foundation have joined Levelling the Playing Field as a local delivery partner and Angel O’Dwyer, who will be working on the project, has all the makings of a perfect role model for our participants.

Millwall on board with Levelling the Playing Field
Millwall Community Trust are the latest addition to our Local Delivery Partners in London. They have been using sport to achieve positive social impact in their local community for over 35 years.

Wolverhampton Wrestling Club reach out to autistic children
Our local delivery partners Wolverhampton Wrestling Club have launched a project to engage autistic children in sport and physical activity.

Coventry youngsters set to become leaders
Participants at Levelling the Playing Field sessions run by Aptitude Youth, our local delivery partners in Coventry, are set to become leaders for the next generation....

How Warwicks CB are engaging diverse communities through cricket
Warwickshire Cricket Board have joined Levelling the Playing Field as a Local Delivery Partner – and their projects targeting specific communities are set to enrich our evidence base.

Exiles Together uniting communities through sport
Exiles Together is a brilliant partnership between Newport County FC and the ethnically diverse community right on the club’s doorstep. Their activities promote diversity, inclusion and diversion from crime through the power of sport.

Diversity is strength at Big Brother Burngreave
Tess Awoke says being part of an ethnically and culturally diverse ‘brotherhood’ at Big Brother Burngreave in Sheffield has helped give him a sense of identity, connection and purpose.
Sithule a role model for Rotherham’s aspiring young dancers
We are proud to have Sithule Mguni as a Local Delivery Partner on Levelling the Playing Field. Her organisation, Young Minds Together, uses performing arts to empower girls from ethnically diverse communities in Rotherham to overcome many barriers in life.

Fight 4 Change the right hook to engage Lambeth youth
Young people at Fight 4 Change’s Levelling the Playing Field sessions on Wednesday nights in Lambeth will receive coaching, guidance and support from the very best in the game.

Aces aim to change 'Newport state of mind'
Newport Aces are the latest Local Delivery Partner to join Levelling the Playing Field in Gwent. Their founder, Asa Waite, has a great phrase to sum up the issues his community basketball club tries to tackle with children in the area.

How Sport 4 Life's mentors turn young lives around
Mentoring has had a profound effect on Keanna Arnett’s life – and Levelling the Playing Field’s support for mentors is set to spread that positive impact across our four delivery areas.

London Thunder give youngsters chance to dream
London Thunder have a reputation for producing elite-level basketball players, but their community sessions - open to all young people in the culturally diverse borough of Lewisham - are the club's beating heart.

Community House a 'second home' to youth of Newport
Youth empowerment and social cohesion are the aims of Community Youth Project in Newport, which has become the first organisation in Wales to join Levelling the Playing Field as a local delivery partner.

"More than just a wrestling club"
There can be few more ethnically diverse environments than that of Wolverhampton Wrestling Club. Situated in a Sikh gurdwara, it is melting pot of religions, nationalities, backgrounds, ages and sporting abilities. Once through the door, all are treated as equals.

Street Soccer London help youngsters set new goals
Children so often find themselves labelled these days: ‘socially excluded’, ‘at risk’ or ‘disadvantaged’. One of Street Soccer London’s philosophies is that these tags are left at the door.

How dance reduces social isolation for girls in Rotherham
Self-expression and social cohesion are the buzz words at Young Minds Together in Rotherham where girls from diverse local communities enjoy dance, acting, singing and poetry.

OnBoard offers sanctuary for Sheffield's young skaters
Amy Cooper’s childhood home in Sheffield had an ‘open door’ to local youngsters who needed shelter and support. When her father Mick died of leukemia in 2012, his family were determined to continue his ethos of caring for disadvantaged young people. OnBoard skatepark is his legacy.

Ellesmere Youth: a project powered by passion
“I just love what I do,” says Imran Ali from the Ellesmere Youth Project. “As a kid, I went to the same youth club as I’m standing in right now. Even if I become a millionaire tomorrow, there’s no way I’ll be leaving.”
Sky Blues offer kids chance of a brighter future
Sky Blues in the Community, the charity arm of Coventry City FC, exemplify the ways that collaboration between sport and criminal justice can bring positive outcomes for children.

Zest enriches lives of inner-city Sheffield community
These are tough times in Sheffield. At the time of writing, Tier 3 lockdown measures are in place and it’s October half-term, with holiday hunger a major topic of conversation.

Sporting Elite keep Birmingham's youth onside
Every Friday night at Goals five-a-side centre in Nechells, inner-city Birmingham, up to 90 young males aged 14-19 gather to play football. In-between matches, Sporting Elite director Seb Hamilton and his staff mingle and chat.

Aptitude show that youth work works!
Frustrated and fearful at the lack of opportunities for children in her community back in 2017, Tara Foster wanted to bring back the “lost art” of youth work to help. Aptitude, in the deprived Radford area of Coventry, was the result – and its impact has been phenomenal.
How yoga is helping reduce youth crime in South London
A new organisation which uses yoga to engage and divert children away from crime, gangs and anti-social behaviour is joining the Levelling the Playing Field project as a local delivery partner.

Not just for kicks: how InPower transforms mindsets with martial arts
Changing mindsets and building resilience are the cornerstones of the InPower Academy in Wolverhampton, which uses martial arts to engage children who are at-risk of entering, or already involved with, the Youth Justice System.

Sport is the key to social cohesion in Birmingham
Sports Key are a valuable addition to Levelling the Playing Field’s network of Local Delivery Partners in the West Midlands. They use sport as a ‘magnet’ to attract people from their largely disadvantaged but hugely diverse local community, helping to make it more active, healthy and cohesive.

Sport sparks better prospects for young people in Birmingham
Sport 4 Life use sport as a ‘hook’ to engage young people in Birmingham and guide them towards sustained education, employment or training. Last year, 79% of their beneficiaries were from BAME backgrounds and 15-20% have an offending history. For Levelling the Playing Field, they’re a gift-wrapped delivery partner.
Positive Youth Foundation - a lifeline for Coventry's young people
The Positive Youth Foundation has built such an esteemed reputation for supporting young people's needs over the last 23 years that the decision to approach them to be a Local Delivery Partner for Levelling the Playing Field was a no-brainer.

NPV giving Wolverhampton's at-risk youngsters a sporting chance
Joe Jackson, founder of NPV Football Development, has worked with at-risk young people from diverse backgrounds in Wolverhampton for the last 22 years. His organisation's reputation and vast experience make it an ideal Local Delivery Partner for Levelling the Playing Field. Find out more about their frontline work.
Reach Up Youth inspiring young people in Sheffield crime hotspot
In the underprivileged Sheffield area of Burngreave, young men and women wearing distinctive blue, red, grey and black t-shirts are recognised on every street corner. But this is no ordinary urban gang.

Local Strategic Partner: Newport Live
Newport Live's highly-regarded Positive Futures initiative has come on board as LtPF's Local Strategic Partner in Gwent. Find out all about their award-winning and innovative work with young people and how they plan to support the area's at-risk BAME young people through our project.

Local Strategic Partner: Sport Birmingham
Sport Birmingham is an independent charity that uses the power of sport and physical activity to improve lives. We're delighted to have them on board as a Local Strategic Partner and spoke to Operations Director, Tom McIntosh, about our forthcoming partnership.

Local Strategic Partner: Yorkshire Sport Foundation
The Yorkshire Sport Foundation is Levelling the Playing Field's Local Strategic Partner in South Yorkshire. We hope to help them build on their exemplary work with local sport-based projects that support young people from BAME communities.

Local Strategic Partner: London Sport
London Sport's ambition is to make London the most active city in the world. As one of LtPF's Local Strategic Partners, we will work with them to engage and energise at-risk young people from minority backgrounds across the capital. Read on to